Diabetes Score
Myths & Realities
Online Appointment
Do you know?
Nearly 4 lakh Indians in their most productive years - aged 20 to 79 Years - aren't aware that they are diabetic, a disease that exposes them to heart attack, stroke, amputations, nerve damage, blindness and kidney disease.
Schedule your check-up
Healthcare Team
Dr Manoj Kumar Dash DIABETOLOGIST Consultant Diabetologist with 22+ years of experience in specialised diabetes management, already given more than 70000 consultations to patients from Hyderabad, AP, Telangana and other parts of the country.
Dr Pramod Pola DIABETOLOGIST Consultant Diabetologist serving for over 20+ years in different parts of India having specialization in diabetes management. With a very friendly behavior, he understands the problems from patients.
Dr Swapna C OPHTHALMOLOGIST Praesent accumsan hendrerit tellus at vehicula. Donec tellus nunc, semper non dignissim et, finibus id sapien. Maecenas eget malesuada
Dr Arjun Kumar CARDIOLOGIST Praesent accumsan hendrerit tellus at vehicula. Donec tellus nunc, semper non dignissim et, finibus id sapien. Maecenas eget malesuada
Dr Dilip M Babu NEPHROLOGIST Praesent accumsan hendrerit tellus at vehicula. Donec tellus nunc, semper non dignissim et, finibus id sapien. Maecenas eget malesuada
Dr. NR Baldwa GENERAL SURGEON Praesent accumsan hendrerit tellus at vehicula. Donec tellus nunc, semper non dignissim et, finibus id sapien. Maecenas eget malesuada